writing from 9 – 7 and on to heaven

Writing HIH has proved to be a real challenge.

I’m attempting this as a first person story. I rarely write in the first person. But I decided that the third book in the Legendary Warrior series should be from the first person POV. So to do that, I almost have to put myself in the shoes of that character.

In theatre school, they would have called that “method acting“.

While I’d like to believe I’d have a significant number of chapters written already had I chosen my usual omniscient point of view, this book is altogether just plain different. Change of perspective, different characters, some old characters, etc. But at the same time, I also haven’t written a lot about My Boyfriend is a Vampire and that is an omniscient POV story.

Yes, I plan to submit the new stories to Nifty. With HIH I wanted to be quite a bit ahead before I started submitting chambers. With Boyfriend I was planning to have half to the whole thing written before I submitted. But I did give everyone a preview of the preface of Boyfriend, so I may change my mind there.

I think it’s time for more Babylon 5.


P.S. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter!