Tag Archives: proposition 8

It’s May, almost June!

Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve updated my blog.

The California Supreme Court released their ruling on Proposition 8. Their ruling was unsurprising, uninspired, and lacked any originality.

There’s a video at the end of this post that appropriately anchors my feelings.

Then there are whackjobs who want to go to the local U.S. consulate or Embassy to protest. Really… will that actually do anything? No! The court won’t change its mind. And if Canada had done something like this, no one would be protesting at our Embassies or Consulates. Protests are so 1998. Try something more creative, like YouTube.

the Change

Wow, could the world have gone more topsy-turvey or what?

First Iowa, and then Vermont legalized same-sex marriage. Vermont being the first U.S. state to do so by their legislature. Hopefully New York will be the second. New Hampshire is also considering a bill to legalize marriage. Let’s not forget that D.C. voted to recognize marriages performed elsewhere.

So what changed?

What changed between Proposition 8 in California, and the ruling in Iowa? What happened in Vermont that lead to them not only passing a bill to legalize, but to also miraculously override the Governor’s veto?