Tag Archives: My Editor

Trust is like a chicken egg.

In the TV show Babylon 5, the alien race referred to as the Vorlons had a saying. Understanding is like a three edged sword. Your side, their side, and the truth!

Recently I had a trust issue with someone close to me. I encouraged him to read a story I had been reading. Shouldn’t be a big deal, right? The problem came up that in his own excitement, he managed to trample on the trust I had for him. He decided to gloat about his newfound relationship with the author of the story.

The Ethics of getting HIV… on purpose!

So I have this editor. For now we’ll call him… Winter. Yes, that’s it. Winter. Good name considering the month we are currently in. He has a best friend, we shall call him… Dr. Evil. So one day, Winter and Dr. Evil met for a wonderful cup of hot chocolate, under the beautiful night sky. Love was in the air, or maybe it was just plain horniness. Dr. Evil gave Winter the bad news. He has HIV.