Category Archives: Other

Chad after Dentist

Holy mother of God! Is this video ever funny!!! I found it on Vito Pilieci’s blog.

Oppression of the Stupid

So while I was doing some research on my next blog post, I came across this blog post telling readers to thank cola giant Pepsi for supporting gay rights.

Yes, you read that correctly.

We are supposed to thank Pepsi for supporting gay rights.

Call me cynical, but shouldn’t we EXPECT a company to support gay rights? In an Obama world, shouldn’t it be presumed that all companies would offer benefits to same-sex partners, and so forth?

Yeah Michael Jones, I am so unimpressed.

this is the night we’ll be free

So I’m a pretty big fan of the synthpop group Freezepop. I own one of their albums via iTunes, and I’ve listened to many of their songs. I think they’re incredible, but here are two videos I want to share. (Yes, I’m aware I have been sharing a lot of videos lately, LOL!)


As sure as the sunrise

Alright, I’m a bit of a geek. Since before High School, I’ve always been a fan of The Rankin Family. They’re a Canadian folk group, and I’ve always thought their stuff was just fantasic!

Some underworld spy or the wife of a close friend

Okay, I’m really starting to enjoy John Barrowman’s singing. He’s the dashing Captain Jack Harkness in the BBC’s Torchwood.

Stories in HTML?

So this really punk named Comicality had the audacity to suggest that I should publish my stories in HTML!! Like seriously, he can’t read PDF for some weird reason, so he’d prefer HTML. Of course that’s how he publishes his stories. The nerve!! cool.gif

All joking aside, I’m not sure I want to publish in HTML. I use OpenOffice when I write my stories, and so creating a PDF is a one button function. It’s really easy, and it incorporates the styles, fonts, etc that I need and want in the story. HTML requires the user to download some of those things.