Category Archives: Comicality

Q&A with Nephylim – Part 1

[WARNING: This post may contain spoilers.]

Nephylim is the author of To Have and To Hold, and Hostage. She has graciously agreed to speak with me about herself, and her writing.

Q. Tell me a little bit about yourself

I’m a 46 year old mother of two. My daughter is 24 and has been in a relationship with her girlfriend for 5 years. They have been living away, attending the same university but they are back with me for a few months before they move on to the next stage of their lives. Having them here is wonderful as it is sometimes a bit isolated here. My son is 10 years old and an old soul.


So I was chatting with Comicality the other day, and he really wants me to do some more interviews. The thing is I’m not sure who I should interview, and I haven’t gotten any suggestions lately. So I’ll keep thinking on it, but we’ll have to wait and see.

18th century painting of a family celebrating ...
Image via Wikipedia

Story updates – Things are still on the slow side. I had some readers asking, and I have made some progress on My Boyfriend is a Vampire. Right now I just need more time to be able to write. The new job is great, but takes up time, LOL.

Q&A with Comicality – Part 3

[WARNING: The post may contain spoilers.]

Well everyone who reads gay fiction online has heard of him. He’s a legend in himself. Comicality has written such stories as Gone from Daylight, Savage Moon, and New Kid in School.

Here I present part 3 of my interview with him.

Q. Is there intelligent life in outer space?

Ha! I certainly hope so! There certainly isn’t that much down here with US!

Q. What was the first piece you ever wrote?

My next interview

Have you read by interviews with Emulated, Jason Gordon, Jase Ruel, Dom Luka and Comicality?

Are you also an author who writes gay stories? If you’d like to be interviewed for my blog, e-mail me and we can set something up! Also e-mail me if you would like to suggest an author for me to interview.

The Rules:

1. I will try to respect if you don’t want to reveal something, and if I accidentally ask about something you already talked about I can replace it with a different question.

2. Interviews are done by e-mail.

Q&A with Comicality – Part 2

[WARNING: The post may contain spoilers.]

Well everyone who reads gay fiction online has heard of him. He’s a legend in himself. Comicality has written such stories as Gone from Daylight, Savage Moon, and New Kid in School.

Here is part 2 of the interview.

Q. What are the major themes of your work?

Q&A with Comicality – Part 1

[WARNING: The post may contain spoilers.]

Well everyone who reads gay fiction online has heard of him. He’s a legend in himself. Comicality has written such stories as Gone from Daylight, Savage Moon, and New Kid in School.

Here I present part 1 of my interview with him.

Q. Tell me a little about yourself.

The end of the long night

[WARNING: The post may contain spoilers.]

So I’ve been watching Angel on DVD. Your protagonist Angel is a traditional vampire. No going out in the sun, can’t see him in a mirror, and steak through the heart turns a vampire to dust. This is the way it is supposed to be, right?

Then you have Twilight where they sparkle like diamonds in the daylight, but they can go out, etc.

So when you want to write a romance involving a vampire, do you have to forbid them from what vampires have in Twilight?