Tag Archives: Awesomedude

Q&A with Hamen Cheese

Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

Image via Wikipedia

[WARNING: This post may contain spoilers]

Today I am interviewing Hamen Cheese. He is the author of stories such as Adamagika: The Spirit Within, and Smoking is Gay.

Q. Tell me a little bit about yourself.

Well, I’m often processed, sliced thinly, and place between buns… Oh wait, you didn’t mean that… Well, I’m 24 yrs old without vices (except an addiction to the computer). I currently live in the Philippines and will likely want to live the rest of my life here. I would like to travel though given the opportunity. Writing for me is a hobby, from which reviews are a guilty pleasure. 🙂

GA Stories

Internets = srs.biz. Parody motivator.
Image via Wikipedia

So GayAuthors (GA) is making a pretty huge change. A change that affects the basic fabric of what they offer. They’re replacing eFition/hosted authors/promising authors with a new system called GA Stories. From what I have been told, eFiction didn’t work so well. So they coded this system to work with the forum code.

Up until this I published some of my stuff under eFiction. One of the big cons is that authors have to move their own stuff over. I’m lazy, and generally don’t have a lot of time. I’d much rather be writing than having to move my stories over to the new system. But that’s not the reason I’m never going to post on GA again.

Q&A with Jamie de Valen – Part 3

[WARNING: The post may contain spoilers.]

Today’s interview is an author who won the 2009 GayAuthors Reader’s Choice Awards for Best Non-GA Story. He has written stories titled Fathers and Sons, Hosanna, but is best known for his story The Scrolls of Icaria. Today’s author is Jamie de Valen. I present part 2 of 3.

Q. Who was your favourite author when you were young?

I had two I equally liked: Robert Heinlein and Isaac Asimov. I was always keen to read anything they wrote.

Q&A with Jamie de Valen – Part 2

[WARNING: The post may contain spoilers.]

Today’s interview is an author who won the 2009 GayAuthors Reader’s Choice Awards for Best Non-GA Story. He has written stories titled Fathers and Sons, Hosanna, but is best known for his story The Scrolls of Icaria. Today’s author is Jamie de Valen. I present part 2 of 3.

Q. What do you like most about the Pet Shop Boys?

Just about everything. Obviously their music, but maybe most of all their avant garde style – both on and off stage. They’re great performers. I’m never too far from some of their music, because I often access it, and I’m really excited to see they’ve released their new album Pandemonium. (Do we use the term album anymore in the digital age?)

Q&A with Jamie de Valen – Part 1

[WARNING: The post may contain spoilers.]

Today’s interview is an author who won the 2009 GayAuthors Reader’s Choice Awards for Best Non-GA Story. He has written stories titled Fathers and Sons, Hosanna, but is best known for his story The Scrolls of Icaria. Today’s author is Jamie de Valen. I present part 1 of 3.

Q. Tell me a little about yourself.

I live in Brussels, Belgium. My current work involves being a teacher, university professor and working with some of the institutions that comprise the European Union. I also do a small amount of work for private industry. My background is in assessment and applied linguistics, so all of that dull information should cause everyone to take a long yawn of boredom. My apologies lol.

the protagonist in gay writing

I’ve been reading the story The Chronicles of Kadin by Rick Spencer. The story is published on Codey’s World, one of a few websites that publish stories by gay authors. (A few others being GayAuthors, AwesomeDude, Nifty, etc.) My biggest and probably only beef with the exceptional story of Kadin is that he is, well… he’s straight.

I mean no disrespect to Rick. He has written a wonderful story, which you can easily fall into the warmth of his plot. But if I had wanted to read about a straight protagonist, I only need to go to my neighbourhood book store or Amazon and pick something at random. I realize that only about 10% of the population is gay, but to me it seems only 1% of the literature published is for a gay audience.

Diversity of gay writing

So one of my absolute favourite stories was updated for the first time yesterday, and I am so happy. For anyone who hasn’t read The Scrolls of Icaria by Jamie, needs to have their heads examined. This is one amazing story.

Other stories that have had updates that I absolutely love:
*Gone from Daylight by Comicality.
*Almost anything by David McLeod
*Last Goodbye by Meeko
*Teep by Wolfwalker
*The Guardians by Rilbur
*The Price of Friendship by Graham

Other stories I’m watching that have been updated:
*The Gatekeeper
*The Ascended
*How the Light Gets In by Duncan Ryder