- Flaherty donates to Somali relief as crisis grows http://ow.ly/1dWSwj #
- Fiery crash in B.C. claims family of four http://ow.ly/1dWg2G #
- Canada's last asbestos mine about to run out of asbestos http://ow.ly/1dVAUA #
- One in four Massachusetts gay teenagers ‘are homeless’ – PinkNews.co.uk http://ow.ly/5LhHP #glbt #
- Maryland governor supports gay marriage in 2012 session | News Blog from 365gay.com http://ow.ly/5LhzC #ssm #glbt #
- President Obama Certifies DADT Repeal! « Human Rights Campaign | HRC Back Story http://ow.ly/5Lhsf #dadt #glbt #
- Md. governor says he will sponsor gay marriage legislation – The Washington Post http://ow.ly/5LhmO #glbt #ssm #
- Minnesota School District Sued Over Alleged Anti-Gay Bullying – Law Blog – WSJ http://ow.ly/5Lhg5 #glbt #
- Quebec court approves the sale of Davie Yards http://ow.ly/1dUJXC #
- U of T prof takes up challenge to build a better toilet http://ow.ly/1dTNd7 #
- Aid for Canadian military vets not as much as promised http://ow.ly/1dSPIl #
- New York gearing up for same-sex marriages – CNN.com http://ow.ly/5IBQa #ssm #glbt #ny #
- National Flame Dance & Triumph is out! http://bit.ly/lu85rW ? Top stories today via @bingecodev @steven_thrasher @friedasmailbox #
- [Rising up] Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-18 http://ow.ly/1dRWmf #
- Money on way for Vancouver businesses affected by riot http://ow.ly/1dRTrq #
- Amazing amateur video! | The Edge of Glory? – YouTube http://ow.ly/5Ht43 #ssm #glbt #fckh8 #
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