- As Sask. plane collision is probed, victims are identified http://t.co/XPpOVoTR #
- Argentina: The Trans-Friendliest Place On Earth| News | Towleroad http://t.co/DnODhXDG #
- Are Log Cabin Republicans Influencing the GOP? | The Bilerico Project http://t.co/Y7YdIMy1 #
- Obama's Support For Gay Marriage Reveals Voters' Pragmatism In Battleground State http://t.co/0LHAa86h #
- There Are Many Reasons Renouncing Swiss Citizenship Is A Dumb Move – Business Insider http://t.co/wG0KnRw0 #
- Willie Nelson First Accepts, Then Declines Position as Roseanne’s Running Mate http://t.co/1rYfqe2d #
- Newsweek Celebrates Obama's Gay Marriage Endorsement On Next Cover (PHOTO) http://t.co/kDxVzh3d #
- Australia: Victims of a Facebook hate group sue the military – http://t.co/s1Rwvigu http://t.co/JfSfk2qB #
- North Carolina Governor denounces Amendment One – http://t.co/s1Rwvigu http://t.co/rkTCXhZ5 #
- Update: ‘Homophobic’ woman from Nebraska has ‘mental health problems’ – http://t.co/s1Rwvigu http://t.co/cmTU8Tjd #
- Canadian cancer patient's music video goes viral http://t.co/vbW36VPf #
- Leaked Republican Memo Advises Quick Evolution On Gay Issues| News | Towleroad http://t.co/uiVqzAAA #
- Leaked: Top Republican Pollster Tells GOP To Support Gay Marriage Or Else | The New Civil Rights Movement http://t.co/CfAtBqaM #
- Roseanne Barr, Presidential Candidate, Courts Willie Nelson for Vice Presidential Slot – The Hollywood Reporter http://t.co/9FwyBFtH #
- National Flame Dance & Triumph is out! http://t.co/fiTgkoOA ? Top stories today via @homo_superior @alexwoolfson #
- Four Iranian men due to be hanged for sodomy | Gay Star News http://t.co/PTOaTMoL #
- Canada's Libya mission costs soar in new report http://t.co/QevEfw99 #
- Democrats and Charlotte: Far From a Perfect Match – 2012 Decoded http://t.co/cOvvFCTT #
- Fate of Michael Rafferty in hands of jury http://t.co/AMUUWHQ4 #
- Confuse The Righteous | When Same-Sex Marriage Was a Christian Rite http://t.co/ObEocuS7 #
- Harry Reid says he supports gay marriage | The Salt Lake Tribune http://t.co/tF9lfYEZ #
- Chile passes hate crime bill in the wake of gay man’s killing – http://t.co/s1Rwvigu http://t.co/wt4DSfxj #
- Gay Man Sues Boss For Anti-Straight Discrimination| News | Towleroad http://t.co/nIQGHAG7 #
- Gay Marriage: 14 Steps That Will Evolve Your Views http://t.co/DYe6q63x #
- Romney Minimizes Gay-Bashing: ‘In High School I Did Some Dumb Things’ | The New Civil Rights Movement http://t.co/n0Dx046z #
- Mitt Romney Was A High School Gay-Bashing Bully | The New Civil Rights Movement http://t.co/hmaZ9szW #
- New York Republican for Marriage Equality Will Not Seek Re-election | http://t.co/5cABEZbN http://t.co/RT715tju #
- Facebook bullying appeal reaches Supreme Court of Canada | Legal Post | Financial Post http://t.co/esUSQ61j #
- The Breakfast Meeting: Obama Stops 'Evolving' on Same-Sex Marriage – http://t.co/AsHCVbKL http://t.co/nstZ95aS #
- Americans react with joy, scorn and indifference as Obama expresses support for gay marriage – The Washington Post http://t.co/Dk95fX77 #
- Gay Marriage Legal Nationwide In 10 Countries Around The World http://t.co/HS5ZCIwv #
- NDP forcing procedural delays to stall budget bill vote http://t.co/E5mYBFWM #
- [Rising up] Religious education in Ontario http://t.co/C946zHGW #
- Ontario PC MPP throws support behind GSAs http://t.co/vKBIMJvk #
- Skating into Signature | Washington Blade – America's Leading Gay News Source http://t.co/Maq6hGXM #
- Tom Gabel, lead singer of Against Me!, comes out as transgender, plans to live as woman | Arts | National Post http://t.co/jOB7COQe #
- Obama Backs Gay Marriage http://t.co/LI6PxaIO #
- Harvard Baseball Jocks Perform Van Dance to 'Call Me Maybe': VIDEO| News | Towleroad http://t.co/Jszrcf8S #
- Iowa justices explain why they didn’t campaign to retain seats | Keen News Service http://t.co/WxWLNM5y #
- Laurie Penny: Gay marriage is one thing the Tories really don't get – Commentators – Opinion – The Independent http://t.co/RK1UiZhY #
- Big Gay News » North Carolina Voters Approve Amendment On Gay Marriage http://t.co/wOB981bS #
- Unexploded WWII bombs force partial closure of B.C. park http://t.co/Ng3wAHRw #
- UN High Commissioner speaks out against homophobia and transphobia | Gay Star News http://t.co/cmbOBRuZ #
- Biden: Pressuring Obama, or paving the way? | Keen News Service http://t.co/uA5WjDTB #
- Obama Donors Withhold Funds Following Refusal To Sign Order Barring Same-Sex Discrimination http://t.co/BfVpAWr0 #
- B.C. apologizes for Japanese-Canadian internments http://t.co/W3dhveQT #
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