Category Archives: Other Authors

Brian’s Mate by Hollis Shiloh & @dreamspinners

Today’s review is about Brian’s Mate by Hollis Shiloh.

Stars: 2BriansMateLG

From the book jacket:
Brian is the alpha of the least impressive pack of wolves at the whole Moon Ceremony. When a human is discovered uninvited in their midst, he bonds with the man to save his life.

Luke doesn’t know about all this wolf stuff, but he’s starting to develop feelings for the gentle man who rescued him. Both Brian and Luke expect to quietly dissolve the bond later. But feelings intervene, and some bonds are not so easy to cast aside.

Building a life together as alphas will take love and hard work—especially when new wolves keep inviting themselves into their lives.

More #GLBT author web to visit.. @lynn_hagen, @threeflynns, @stormyglenn, @ch_richards2010, @MichaelOffutt

So I’ve decided to go for another must visit author websites, and with February well underway, what a great time!

1. Lynn Hagen

Lynn writes the amazing, out of this world series Brac Pack, and it’s associated books. You cannot read just one, I’ve had to read all of them! With the money I spend on these books I imagine her kids will be able to afford a bachelor’s degree right through their PhD’s, LOL. But seriously, give her a try.

RT Booklovers 2012 E-Book Expo

Joyee Flynn at RT Booklovers 2012 E-Book Expo (Photo credit: rtbookreviews)

2. Joyee Flynn

#GLBT author websites to visit… @erinmleaf, @jl_langley, @wittauthor, @PopessAllyBlue, @longshotauthor, etc. @kobo

It’s finally January. And at least where I am in Canada, it’s also bitter cold. Or was,and will likely be again. That’s the way of winter, isn’t? So while you’re sipping your hot chocolate, I have a few websites you should visit!

1. Erin M. Leaf

Erin get’s top spot, because she links to Kobo on her website. Anyone who reads my blog and/or follows me on Twitter knows I am a huge Kobo fan, and I am loyal to any author who links to them. It also helps that Erin is a really great author, with a unique style, and is so creative, she could write this blog article a lot better than I can. Alas, I shall stumble through.

Chasing Tempest by @wittauthor & @dreamspinners

Today I am reviewing Chasing Tempest by Brandon Witt, and published by Dreamspinner Press.
Stars: 2

Book jacket:
Finn de Morisco knows he is walking into a trap when he enters the Vampire Cathedral to rescue his sister Cynthia. Aided by Schwint and his other sister, Caitlin, he intends to free Cynthia and avoid enslavement. But when he confronts the master of the Voice that has tortured him, Finn faces a grim choice: compromise his soul or lose his family.

Submerging Inferno by Brandon Witt & @dreamspinners

Today I am reviewing the book Submerging Inferno by Brandon Wit and published by Dreamspinner Press.SubmergingInfernoLG

Stars: 1

Book jacket:

Brett Wright and Finn de Morisco come from vastly different worlds. Disowned by his family for being gay, Brett builds both a life on his own terms and walls around his heart. But nothing can prepare him for the evil that stalks him in the night or from discovering the dark secrets of his heritage.

Chronicles of Ylandre by Eresse & @LSB_lsbooks

Hallowed Bond - book jacket

Book jacket

Today I am reviewing the series Chronicles of Ylandre by Eresse. My last review was of the first book in the series, Sacred Fate and that is not part of this review. Although that book did slightly improve in the end, I stand by it’s 1 star rating.

Stars: 5

Book jacket from Hallowed Bond:

Can time heal all wounds? Dylen Teris and Riodan Leyhar are about to find out. Torn apart by circumstances beyond their control, they find themselves years later together once again. Even though attraction lingers, forgiveness isn’t so easy to obtain. Can these star-crossed lovers be reunited?

Sacred Fate by Eresse & @LSB_lsbooks

Today I am doing a partial review of Sacred Fate by Eresse.sacredfate

Stars: 1

Book jacket:

In the dual-gendered realm of Ylandre, the great divide between the high-born True Bloods and the lower-ranked Half Bloods is deemed impassable by most. Rohyr Essendri dared to cross it when he took young Lassen Idana from his provincial town and made him his paramour. Lassen perforce learned how to navigate the intricate byways of life at court. What he never expected, however, was to fall in love with Rohyr, a most inadvisable and impractical thing to do when one’s lover is sovereign ruler of the land. But anything worth having is worth fighting for, both figuratively and, as Lassen discovers, literally speaking.