Category Archives: Q&A

Q&A with Comicality – Part 3

[WARNING: The post may contain spoilers.]

Well everyone who reads gay fiction online has heard of him. He’s a legend in himself. Comicality has written such stories as Gone from Daylight, Savage Moon, and New Kid in School.

Here I present part 3 of my interview with him.

Q. Is there intelligent life in outer space?

Ha! I certainly hope so! There certainly isn’t that much down here with US!

Q. What was the first piece you ever wrote?

My next interview

Have you read by interviews with Emulated, Jason Gordon, Jase Ruel, Dom Luka and Comicality?

Are you also an author who writes gay stories? If you’d like to be interviewed for my blog, e-mail me and we can set something up! Also e-mail me if you would like to suggest an author for me to interview.

The Rules:

1. I will try to respect if you don’t want to reveal something, and if I accidentally ask about something you already talked about I can replace it with a different question.

2. Interviews are done by e-mail.

Q&A with Comicality – Part 2

[WARNING: The post may contain spoilers.]

Well everyone who reads gay fiction online has heard of him. He’s a legend in himself. Comicality has written such stories as Gone from Daylight, Savage Moon, and New Kid in School.

Here is part 2 of the interview.

Q. What are the major themes of your work?

Q&A with Comicality – Part 1

[WARNING: The post may contain spoilers.]

Well everyone who reads gay fiction online has heard of him. He’s a legend in himself. Comicality has written such stories as Gone from Daylight, Savage Moon, and New Kid in School.

Here I present part 1 of my interview with him.

Q. Tell me a little about yourself.

Q&A with Dom Luka

Dom Luka is the author of many stories such as In The Fish Bowl and The Ordinary Us. He is looked up to by other gay authors, and I had a chance to chat with him.

Q. Tell me a little about yourself.

Dogs not cats, I have six toes on one foot, I like snow but not cold and I have too many sisters. Kidding about the six toes.

Q. What inspires you to write?

Most of the time it’s just getting an idea that inspires me. If it nags me enough it turns into a story. I like the creative outlet, and when it’s there I have to write more than I want to write.

Q&A with Linxe Termoil

This time we have an interview with Linxe Termoil, who is a relatively new author on Gay Authors.

Q. Tell me a little about yourself.

Hrm. I live in the middle of nowhere, joined the U.S. Navy in 2000 and got out in 2006. After a couple of years of floating around doing nothing I went back to school and, in that time, I stumbled across G.A. Mostly in part thanks to DomLuka’s “The other side of me” which I read on Nifty. The story chapters weren’t complete on Nifty so I ended up following the site link to his site over here. After finishing The Other Side of Me I joined the site and said hi, read some more of his stuff and I went and read CJ’s stuff, after I got through that I was reading Shadowgod’s stuff and then Dan Kirk’s stuff. Then I decided that I could write too, since I’ve always loved reading.

Q&A with Jase Ruel (aka Diva Jase)

Q. Tell me a little about yourself.

A. Let me give you my mini-bio a friend helped me write. It’s a little of everything I am :

Jase Ruel is a 30-ish year-old writer, poet, artist, singer, activist, educator and all-aroung magician when it comes to bringing out the inner beauty of those around him as a licensed Cosmetologist.

His publication credits include several University journals, Newspaper, Magazine, and ezine prints, and has had his work referenced by a few State and Federal Politicians.