- United Airliles also Breaks Guitars – YouTube http://t.co/fZYjNX6S #
- Gay Couple: United Airlines Manager Called Us 'Faggots' |Gay News|Gay Blog Towleroad http://t.co/j7YdMv1s #
- U.K. secretly supporting oilsands campaign: report http://t.co/7Ypz7bFG #
- Google seeks to improve benefits for trans employees – http://t.co/s1Rwvigu http://t.co/uMJRYncW #
- “6 deaths” linked to UK churches HIV advice – http://t.co/s1Rwvigu http://t.co/Oj6CBIG7 #
- Red Cross provides disaster relief to Ontario reserve http://t.co/at6D9BUV #
- Flaherty says Canada and Europe must control debt http://t.co/Tnwznwdn #
- Australia Gay Marriage Advocacy Group Unveils Sweet, Sexy New Ad (VIDEO) http://t.co/foH5wbNF #
- Wal-Mart Shoppers Pepper-Sprayed http://t.co/3RSEYKoQ #
- Reputed mobster found dead NE of Montreal http://t.co/tXUHQNTi #
- OECD grades Canada's health care, finds long wait times http://t.co/ZZ1nlSHu #
- Israel's Gay Rights Record – Jeffrey Goldberg – International – The Atlantic http://t.co/E5WJbIIz #
- United Kingdom: Cameron plays politics with gay rights | Global Post http://t.co/e3ep9Yzm #
- Polygamy ban should be upheld, B.C. judge rules in landmark decision – The Globe and Mail http://t.co/vvLegFhr #
- National Flame Dance & Triumph is out! http://t.co/fiTgkoOA ? Top stories today via @terry_levine #
- LIVE CHAT: Does Nickelback deserve the hate? http://t.co/RaKzcif6 #
- New Brunswick Police Reporting Epidemic Of Stolen Underwear, Sex Toys http://t.co/6TeTH7iG #
- Savannah congregation that revolted over gay bishop must give up 18th century building | Political Insider http://t.co/4hRkERaP #
- North Carolina's Pullen Memorial Baptist Church Votes To Back Marriage Equality http://t.co/yCBkmY2v #
- Why You Shouldn't Donate to the Salvation Army Bell Ringers | The Bilerico Project http://t.co/pbjk6gUJ #
- Mariano Rajoy, New Spain Prime Minister, Opposes Same-Sex Marriage Law http://t.co/fHeoNBF6 #
- What if They Declared an Emergency and No One Came? http://t.co/rJSvaqgb #
- [Rising up] Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-11-21 http://t.co/4qcboXCc #
- Reno bill the cost of hosting G8 summit, government says http://t.co/1PZKIWRV #
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