- 15-year-old Jamie Hubley's lonely cry for acceptance http://t.co/aSbL4GyB #
- 100-year-old runner breaks marathon record in Toronto http://t.co/eL3kOWuj #
- The Associated Press: Active duty gays say coming out has been nonevent http://t.co/h3UGye2C #glbt #
- The Associated Press: US House group files motion in gay marriage suit http://t.co/oLCdXKo8 #glbt #
- Zachary Quinto: I'm a Gay Man : http://t.co/smBz80cX http://t.co/SUleeMoK #glbt #
- Andrew Mitchell Denies Cutting Aid To Anti-Gay Countries Will Punish The Poor http://t.co/YWxq4jYj #
- Prime Minister opens facility at northern B.C. college http://t.co/CcO4dpoy #
- Male Cheerleader Suspended For Kissing Another Boy | News | The Advocate http://t.co/XY8rUsfn #
- UK civil union is not marriage: feds http://t.co/SohLMnBV #ssm #glbt #gay #
- Ottawa to allow tunnel to Toronto Island airport http://t.co/J1A3Klbr #
- UK Ties Foreign Aid To #LGBT Rights | The New Civil Rights Movement http://t.co/3Qsa3lON #gay #
- Gay marriage campaign ends in NC after 2 weeks :: http://t.co/SZHV97GU http://t.co/OCI4vW8U #ssm #glbt #
- Flaherty says Wall Street protesters have a point http://t.co/txOPuhgf #
- Out Gay National Guard Member Runs for Office in Colorado |Gay News|Gay Blog Towleroad http://t.co/bJXcpjxk #
- Kelsey Grammer Says No to Tea Party, Over Opposition to Gay Marriage: VIDEO |Gay News|Gay Blog Towleroad http://t.co/OqUFR39q #gay #glbt #
- Seth MacFarlane Secretly Wants 'Family Guy' to End; Relaunch 'Star Trek' for TV – The Hollywood Reporter http://t.co/12QXwtyn #
- Feds promote War of 1812 ahead of 200th anniversary http://t.co/oehJfy7a #
- Harvard Wrestling Team Comes Out as LGBT Allies for National Coming Out Day |Gay News|Gay Blog Towleroad http://t.co/iDogJEYW #
- LGBT Rights Activist/Democrat Blogger Democrat Supports Cheri Honkala for Sheriff – YouTube http://t.co/4imqyNPS #
- PM Announces That He Will Cut Aid To Homophobic Countries | Bent Magazine, the http://t.co/6m0I0juu #
- National Flame Dance & Triumph is out! http://t.co/fiTgkoOA ? Top stories today via @morehavoc @binnigoesblonde @rachma_ccal2729 #
- I hate the phrase Chick Flick and so should you http://t.co/aNf0RmiG #glbt #gay #
- School board blocks grant over gay discrimination http://t.co/PEkw9ydx #
- 8 Notable People Who Came Out In The Past Year / Queerty http://t.co/svMIBz4v #
- Voters cast ballots in Yukon election http://t.co/xPdmCtcN #
- Scott Rose: How Many Have to Die Before NOM Is Stopped? http://t.co/WYkC2BNw #
- Big Gay News » Supreme Court Won’t Hear Same-Sex Adoptive Parents Case http://t.co/5OvKwFHn #
- Que. mother arrested for allegedly trying to drown kids http://t.co/VzCtv7xo #
- [Rising up] Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-10 http://t.co/fQi6z8kl #
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