- Manitoba town cuts historic footbridge to save dike http://ow.ly/1dB83O #
- Fans and protests greet Will and Kate in Montreal http://ow.ly/1dAg0h #
- Federal authorities drop deportation case against same-sex partner – CNN.com http://ow.ly/5vffr #
- Royals help Ottawa celebrate Canada Day http://ow.ly/1dziDa #
- Trust account created for wife of fallen York officer http://ow.ly/1dy1JG #
- 15-year-old charged with murder in officer's death http://ow.ly/1dwJr2 #
- Police officer dies after being dragged, pinned by van http://ow.ly/1dvruw #
- Brazilian judge gives male couple approval for what court says is country’s first gay marriage – The Washington Post http://ow.ly/5sl62 #
- Gay Marriage – Where Is Mr. Obama? – NYTimes.com http://ow.ly/5sbMS #glbt #ssm #obama #
- I was wrong about same-sex marriage – CNN.com http://ow.ly/5sbw6 #ssm #glbt #
- National Flame Dance & Triumph is out! http://bit.ly/lu85rW ? Top stories today via @blairkanine @weddings_ideas @topinglbt @rawsignewyork #
- One year later, search continues for missing Alta. couple http://ow.ly/1du8I7 #
- [Rising up] Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-27 http://ow.ly/1du8Nq #
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