- B.C. NDP ponders left shift or move to centre http://ow.ly/1ceozW #
- Montreal family seeks answers over phony doctor http://ow.ly/1cdE4b #
- Five more people charged in $2-million gold bar heist http://ow.ly/1ccR7r #
- Ignatieff interview creates controversy http://ow.ly/1cbRYG #
- Mandatory evacuations lifted in Medicine Hat, Alta. http://ow.ly/1caPRM #
- Aspiring Edmonton filmmaker guilty of murder http://ow.ly/1c9QC8 #
- [Rising up] Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-11 http://ow.ly/1c8Rc3 #
- Liberal candidate booted by Ignatieff still running http://ow.ly/1c8O3y #
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