- Astronaut wants Canadians to help design NASA poster http://ow.ly/1aZQX8 #
- Canadians caught in spat between Ottawa and U.A.E. http://ow.ly/1aZbHp #
- New Liberal ads attack Harper over jets, tax cuts http://ow.ly/1aYuhl #
- Justice for dad who pleaded guilty in child's death http://ow.ly/1aXuH0 #
- AFP: Global tourist industry eyes the 'pink dollar' http://ow.ly/3HvwC #
- B.C. senior shot in Mexico says 'I feel safe here' http://ow.ly/1aWscy #
- Facebook co-founder seeks gay marriage for New York – Pink News http://ow.ly/3GL53 #
- Federal Eye – Hospital visitation rights for same-sex partners now required by federal rules http://ow.ly/3GKrW #
- Group calls anti-gay bias 'pervasive' in Utah http://ow.ly/3GKr7 #
- [Rising up] Q&A with Nephylim – Part 2 http://ow.ly/1aVGpx #
- Slain officer put others first, recalls widow http://ow.ly/1aVrBP #
- The Associated Press: Court rejects appeal over DC gay marriage law http://ow.ly/3G3MW #ssm #
- [Rising up] Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-17 http://ow.ly/1aUvMe #
- Wife of slain officer to speak at funeral Tuesday http://ow.ly/1aUtmN #
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